Once all the necessities of life had been met, there was room enough to seek Wisdom. However, he was the first on the Angiris Council, being that he created it. Malthael was the last Archangel to be born. For the first time, another aspect was born alongside a new Archangel five new angels of Valor. With him came four of his own, his twin brother among them. His Justice was as much for their enemies as it was themselves after all, a realm needs government. Tyrael was the fourth, a thousand years after Imperius. Fourteen angels followed him, one each to protect those who had come before. It took Valor to face and defend against the unknown. Imperius came third, his birth being an instinctive response to the discovery of demons. They were the ones to begin to venture out, hoping to discover something more. She brought the steadfast Hope that there would be more angels born from the arch.
Where most might have explored the world, they were content to merely wonder at it.Īuriel was second, a full hundred years later. With him came the first five of his aspect. Itherael came first, for without Fate there could be no present or future.

For the purpose of Cantankerous, the order goes as such Malthael is the 'canon' answer, or at least implied to be. Hmmm.Įveryone has more or less a different order in which angels came first. It actually reminds them of their relationship with Inarius in a weird way.

It's also kinda nice having someone who's not so.reverent all the time. In truth, not being able to see Rathma's fate in the scroll is refreshing for Itherael. They like each other, and this manifests in casual threats to 'alter the timeline' or 'erase any record of existence'. Turns out they get along like pop-rocks and soda. Given his bond with Trag'Oul, and the very open wounds there, and the angel's similarity to the dragon.well, he didn't get his hopes up for anything clean or healthy. Rathma thought he'd have a more complicated relationship with Itherael. Kill the Mortals, so they stop messing with Itherael's things. Win the war, so that Itherael doesn't have to see it in the Scroll anymore. Malthael loves his biggest-sibling so much you don't even knoooow. If Imperius and Auriel are Heaven's mom and dad, Itherael is the doting grand-parent (who also has much untreated PTSD) If not found in the Library of Fate, check a meadow for Itherael.) She actually grows and tends to them so lovingly because she knows lots of angels, but Specifically Itherael, find so much peace and joy in them. (Most folks assume Auriel is the one obsessed with flowers. Itherael's version of affection involves opening up about the more unsavory things in the scroll. They've had to check it a lot more lately. Eventually they started a 'canon' scroll where they record all of what actually happened irl. It takes a lot of concentration on their part to remember what timeline they're in. The Council knows how much they care, but even they get caught off-guard by how 'meh' Itherael can be at times. People think they're detached/uncaring bcuz they sound so disinterested all the time.